Let’s Build Something Together
PROFOX Solutions

PROFOX has been developing medical software for 30+ years. We understand the market and know what it takes. Here are at least three ways we can help you :
When it comes to pulse oximeters and capnographs, we’ve just about seen it all. We’ve spent 30+ years providing technical support for our software as well as for every supported device. Through years of speaking with customers, trouble-shooting communication issues, and learning the ins and outs of these devices, we have some pretty good ideas about what customers are looking for. If you are in the design stages for a new device, we would value the opportunity to provide consultation to your organization that could give your next product a competitive edge. Contact us today!
PROFOX has a history of being the golden standard for pulse oximetry and capnograph reporting and analysis software.
If your organization is getting ready to release a new medical device to the market, we would love to speak with you about how we might provide assistance in terms of software. If you are looking for an experienced and mature development team to work with, look no further. We’ve got you covered. Let’s build something together. Contact us today!
We get it. Every organization is different. We speak with clients all the time that are currently using one of our software products but have a specialized need. Perhaps your organization is part of a new sleep study that requires uncommon algorithms or unique reporting features. Perhaps your organization has strong security measures in place and would prefer one of our products to support a user login system or detailed logging of who is accessing what data within the software. We have provided customized software for these kinds of scenarios and countless others. If there is a feature you would like to see added to one of our software products, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today!