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Frequently Asked Questions
If you are using the Nellcor N-200 for memory transfer, and the only problem is an incorrect year, this is because the N-200 does not send the year in its memory data, and the PROFOX software uses the year from the computer. Just set the computer date and time correctly. If you have transferred oximetry memory data, and then discover that the oximeters clock was incorrectly set, you may change the date and time of the oximetry test by selecting “Change date & time of current study” under “Utilities” in the main menu.
1. Windows Vista and Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10
2. CD-Rom drive (24x speed or higher).
3. 25 Mb of available disk storage (hard drive).
4. Video card, with minimum 640×480 resolution (800×600 or higher is recommended).
5. At least one available Serial communications port or USB to serial adaptor.
The serial cable may be incorrect. Please refer to the cable specifications in the PROFOX manual supplied with your software.